Pastor Igor Tararoschenko.
"And they continually dwelt in the teaching of the Apostles, in the fellowship and breaking of bread and in prayer." Actions 2:42
Initially, since the time of the apostles, every church has had the custom of being in apostolic science. This ministry of the church has different names. For example, catechesis. This word is of Greek origin κατήχησις - instruction, preaching. Another very famous name that was borrowed from the German language is Bibelstunde. This was the name of the time of studying the texts of the Holy Scriptures, the Bible. It was through this name that for some time Evangelical Christians Baptists in Ukraine had the nickname "stunda". Today we mostly say "Word Analysis" or "Bible Class" when it comes to Bible study for adult believers, or "Sunday School" when it comes to children or teenagers.
One day, a student from a local Bursa (theological college) decided to record a conversation on such a Word Analysis with a video camera. It was useful, firstly, because you could once again listen to what was discussed at the Analysis, and, secondly, to share the recording with those who, for various reasons, were not at that Analysis of the Word. It soon became clear that there were a lot of people who wanted to have a record of the Word Analysis. Then they used modern technologies, namely the YouTube video service. Over time, I received a duty from the church elder to have my own channel, where everyone would have the opportunity to watch the recordings of the Analysis of the Word. This is how this Word "Resurrection" ministry was born in the "Resurrection" church.
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Gospel of Luke Interpretation of the Revelation Eschatology "for Dummies"